My lost election

December 6, 2008 at 5:00 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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A month after the passing of Proposition 8 I am finally able to find the time to write something in depth about it.

I hate George W. Bush more than I can say. I was scared of that man and what I knew as he was capable of as far back as 1999.

I lived in fear on Election night 2000. I remember going into by screenwriting class in college with Florida blue. When I got  out of class two and a half hours later it was too close to call. I waited and prayed then felt my heart sink when it was called for Bush. Then I lived for the next three weeks watching the recount in Florida.

I shook my head in frustration as America blindly followed him after 9/11.

I was just another aspiring screenwriter in Los Angeles in the fall of 2002 and the spring of 2003 but even I knew there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I knew the war would drag on and on.

Then I set my whole life aside to help get John Kerry elected in 2004.  My hear was broken for at least six months after Bush was re-elected.

I lived and breathed the primaries. I listen to Stephanie Miller in the morning, Randi Rhodes in the afternoon and Rachel Maddow on my way home. Politics is now more important to me than the entertainment industry. Everyday I would break down the poll numbers. Hoping that Obama would hold onto his lead.

I have wanted a democratic president for so long.

Yet as election day neared my attention turned to Prop 8. Despite working until I am tired with exhaustion as a teacher I found time to volunteer for the No on 8 campaign.

On election day I stood with throbbing feet and legs, shaking after the sun went down trying to get voters in West Los Angeles to vote no on 8.

All the while people who don’t follow politics nearly as close as I do, or care as much as I do, were watching state after state go blue for Obama.

I didn’t get to see it happen. As I stood on that street corning being called a faggot for the 10,000 time in my life I made a deal with god. I said “I don’t care if I don’t get to see the moment when Obama becomes president as long as Prop 8 doesn’t pass.”—So much for deals with god.

I wasn’t watching at the moment it happened. I was fighting a loosing battle.

I got home right after 8 pm pacific time. After the election was over. I could only be happy for fifteen minutes become the numbers on prop 8 started to come in. I knew we were gong to loose by 9 pm.

I am still upset today. I am upset Prop 8 was on the ballot on the first place. I am upset with many in the LGBT community who did almost nothing because they thought everything would be okay.

I was robbed. Not only did Prop 8 rob me of my right to get married it robbed me of any happiness I could have had over Obama’s victory. You simply can’t enjoy your glass of water after somebody has peed in it.

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