Inaguration Eve

January 20, 2009 at 3:31 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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Try as I may I just can’t get super excited about the inauguration tomorrow. I know I should be but I’m not. I just can’t get past the Rick Warren thing. I also have more issues with Obama after last week finding out that he used to be in favor same sex marriage before he hit the national stage. For a man that is supposed to be about hope and change I find it hypocritical that he has thrown the LGBT community under the bus multiple times. I guess I’m being selfish just thinking about my own issues. However, everyday I work in education. I work to improve the lives of people who would probably vote against me so I’m allowed to be selfish on this one. I will watch the inauguration tomorrow with my students. I hope I feel different then.

Regardless of how I feel about Obama now he’s not George W. Bush and for that I am thankful. I am glad that this 8 year nightmare is over

A nightmare that should have never happened. If I could have my way all the people that voted for that man would have to suffer the consequences of his actions for the rest of his life but if they suffer I suffer so I guess we all have to dig out of the mess they got us into together.

So I am happy that tonight will be the last time I go to bed with George W. Bush as President of the United States of America

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