I am no longer a democrat

December 26, 2008 at 5:27 am | Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment
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I just filled out the voter registration form at my new apartment. I am a democrat not more. I re-registered as an Independent.

This is a decision a long time in the making and not one I take lightly. All of my life I have identified with the democratic party. I have always believed, and still do, that the democratic party is the political party that represents what is best in America. I believe the democratic party really stands for equality and the working people. I thought I would always be a democrat.

However, the democratic party is lead by a bunch of wimps. It was democrats who rolled over and allowed Bush to  destroy this country with the Patriot Act and the Iraq War. Sure Bush was president and had a Republican majority in both houses of congress but the democrats didn’t even fight. They were to afraid to stand up for what was right.

Then the democrats took back congress it he mid-term elections of 2006. You’d think with a war criminal they’d at least hold impeachment hearings. No. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi did almost nothing for two years hoping that if they played nice they could get a democrat in the White House. They did but what at what cost in the grand scheme of things?

Then Joe Lieberman campaigned for John McCain and after Barack Obama elected president what do the Democrats do? Nothing they let him off with a slap on the wrist. Yes there is such a thing as playing nice and building bridges but then there is being stupid and taking it up the ass politically, something the democratic leadership in the country knows how to do better then a boy at the Abbey on a Friday night.


I know the democrats needed Lieberman to stay in the Democratic caucus to have any hope of getting to 60 seats but everybody knew the Georgia race would not go Democratic in the December run off so it was a stupid move.

Not only that but Barack Obama, the new leader of the democratic party, decided to have Rick Warren do the invocation at his inauguration. The first in what I fear will be many slaps in the face to the LGBT community in the next four  eight years by the Obama administration.

I’m sure I’ll still vote for mostly, if not all, democrats but I refuse to remain a member of a party that does not value me and doesn’t fight.

Genius or suicide?

September 1, 2008 at 5:46 am | Posted in politics | 1 Comment
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As expected the day after Barack Obama’s acceptance speech in Denver John McCain announced his running mate. However, he unexpectedly named Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin his running mate. This was shocking to me. I had expected Mitt Romney, Joe Liberman or if he did pick a woman it thought it would be Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson. I’m sure I was one of many American who thought Sarah who?


The pick of Polin was either a genius move by John McCain or a suicidal move.


I think it is very clear why he picked Palin. It is a clear move for all the Hillary Clinton supporters who still feel robbed by Barack Obama getting the nomination. On Tuesday night Hillary asked if they were in it for her or if they were in it for the issues. Unfortunately, I think there are a lot of women, and gay men, who voted for Hillary Clinton in the primaries in large party just because she’s a woman. And I fear that these same people will vote for John McCain because they want to make history by making Sarah Palin the first female vice president of the United States. I hope this isn’t true but I’ve learned never to overestimate the intelligence of the American public. My first thought when I hear that John McCain had picked a woman was that he had just won the election.


However, Palin is incredibly unqualified to be Vice President. Yes, she’s a governor but she’s the governor of a state who’s population is less than that of Aurora, Colorado. For those of you who don’t know Aurora, Colorado is a eastern suburb of Denver and it is not big at all. So basically Palin runs a moderately sized city. Plus she’s been Governor less than two years. How can Barack Obama’s four years in the U.S. Senate not be enough experience but Palin two years as Governor of Alaska is? Before becoming Governor Palin was in the city council and then major of her small town of about 8,471 people. I am from a town whose population is around that size and believe you me running a town that size does not prepare you to be Vice President to 300.000 people! So again Barack Obama’s eight years in the state legislature in Illinois isn’t enough experience but being major of a town that the size of three big city high school is? When Palin is running for Vice President not President. But the Vice President is just a heartbeat away from the Presidency and when the President is as old as John McCain could be you need somebody who is ready on day one…And I don’t want to hear that John McCain isn’t too old. He may be of sound mind and body today but he has had cancer in the past as a person’s health after the age of seventy can take a drastic turn at a moments notice.


So if the American public is really paying attention to this race Palin’s choice shows how desperate John McCain is and how the Republicans are tied to big oil and how they still only have three cards to play…Guns, God and Gays…But the question remains is the American public really paying attention or are they as easily swayed and distracted as they were in 2000 and 2004? Only time will tell.


I’m bitter…You should be too

April 14, 2008 at 5:50 pm | Posted in politics | 1 Comment
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Once again Barack Obama has spoken the truth. And once again Hillary Clinton and John McCain are trying to make a big deal about it.


I honestly don’t see what the big deal is about Obama’s bitter comment. Are middle class blue collar workers bitter? Maybe, maybe not but I’ll tell you something. They should be…we all should be.


I am certainly bitter. I am bitter that I couldn’t openly serve in the military if I wanted to, that my boyfriend and I won’t’ have our relationship recognized by our own government. That as a public school teacher I see the conditions my students have to grow up in simply because they weren’t lucky enough to be born rich. I am bitter that we are now in the sixth year of a war that I knew was wrong before it even started. I am bitter that the last time I got gas I paid $3.85 a gallon. I’m bitter that so many people in this country want to put me in a box. I’m too white to be Mexican and since I’m not 100% white I’m not really white either.


I come from a blue collar family. My mom worked at a grocery store and my dad drove a truck for UPS. I lived in several trailers growing up.


And yes when I am bitter I turn to my own belief system and I don’t see anything wrong with that.


Look around you there is a whole lot to be bitter about and that is not elitist.

What would the map look like part 2

April 7, 2008 at 6:04 pm | Posted in politics | Leave a comment
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So if the general election took place today what would the electoral map look like?

Here is McCain Vs. Obama


 These polls would put Obama at 261 and McCain at 268…The white of Colorado means the latest polls shows a tie…This confirms my long standing belief that Colorado (a long time Republican stronghold) could end up being the Florida or Ohio of 2008…If the map looked like this whoever won Colorado would win the White House.

There are a couple of things I like and a couple of thigns i don’t like about this map…Obama looks to be in fairly good shape in Ohio, Pensylvania and New Jersey (big time states). And I am still impressed with the fact that the polls show him up in North Dakota. I also like that he could cause the Republicans to spend money in Texas and South Carolina…TEXAS for crying out loud…I don’t like seeing New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Michigan red.

Here his the McCain vs. Clinton Map:


These polls would put McCain at 273 and Clinton at 265. If things play out like this McCain wins…Clinton has talked a lot about how she can win in the bigs states. This map shows that. She wins Florida, Ohio and Pensylvania but she still looses. How is that? Well…She looses in Washington and Oregon (those states haven’t been red since 1984), she looses Michigan and Wisconsin…Loosing those four states basicaly cancel out Ohio and Pensylvania…What about Colorado? While Obama has it tied Clinton looses it by 14%.


Data Says Obama Part 9

March 30, 2008 at 6:55 pm | Posted in politics | 1 Comment
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After the Rev. Wright controversy Hillary Clinton managed to sneak ahead of Obama in head to head match ups against McCain. But Obama is back to looking like the more electable candidate (at least in terms of the popular vote).

John McCain (R) vs. Barack Obama (D)
Poll Date Sample Obama (D) McCain (R) Spread
RCP Average 03/18 to 03/29 44.8% 44.6% Obama +0.2%
Rasmussen Tracking 03/26 – 03/29 1700 LV 44% 47% McCain +3%
Gallup Tracking 03/24 – 03/29 4407 RV 44% 47% McCain +3%
NBC/WSJ 03/24 – 03/25 800 RV 44% 42% Obama +2%
Pew Research 03/19 – 03/22 1,248 RV 49% 43% Obama +6%
FOX News 03/18 – 03/19 900 RV 43% 44% McCain +1%
See More General Election: McCain vs. Obama Polls | Chart
John McCain (R) vs. Hillary Clinton (D)
Poll Date Sample Clinton (D) McCain (R) Spread
RCP Average 03/18 to 03/29 44.6% 46.2% McCain +1.6%
Rasmussen Tracking 03/26 – 03/29 1700 LV 40% 50% McCain +10%
Gallup Tracking 03/24 – 03/29 4407 RV 44% 48% McCain +4%
NBC/WSJ 03/24 – 03/25 800 RV 44% 46% McCain +2%
Pew Research 03/19 – 03/22 1,248 RV 49% 44% Clinton +5%
FOX News 03/18 – 03/19 900 RV 46% 43% Clinton +3%

White Men

March 28, 2008 at 2:02 am | Posted in politics | 1 Comment
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From George Washington to Abraham Lincoln all the way to Jimmy carter and George W. Bush all forty-three Presidents of the United States of America have been white men. But for the first time there is a very real possibility that the next President won’t be a white man. Even if the Democratic Primary process doesn’t get sorted out until the Democratic National Convention in Denver in August the nominee will not be a white man.

I think this is long overdue, but I still worry that this country isn’t ready to elect a President that isn’t a white man. This country has been run by white men for far too long. Most of this country is not white men. Think about it 50 to 51 percent of the population is women. Then fact in African-American men, Latino Men, Asian Men, Middle Eastern Men and Native American Men and in the end White Men are a minority in this country yet they hold most of the wealth and power. How  messed up  is that?

Now White Men find themselves as the ones with the power again? How? By being the key swing vote this year. So it doesn’t matter if it’s Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama as the democratic nominee white men have to be convinced that one of them is presidential material or John McCain, a white man of course, will be the next President.

How ironic is that? Even when the candidate isnt’ a white man the power rests with white men because they are the key swing vote. That makes them important and powerful. So in the end having an African-American or a Woman nominated doesn’t really take the power away from white men. They keep it by default. I guess the more things change the more they stay the same.

Data says Clinton 2

March 23, 2008 at 10:26 pm | Posted in politics | 1 Comment
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While the Democrats keeps attacking each other John McCain continues to get a free ride. John McCain was looking like a president touring and towrl dand the polls show it.

Hillary Clinton looks better tha Obama in all but one of the latest polls…This could go on till July. Is it worth it?

John McCain (R) vs. Hillary Clinton (D)
Poll Date Sample Clinton (D) McCain (R) Spread
RCP Average 03/13 to 03/21 45.7% 46.3% McCain +0.6%
Rasmussen Tracking 03/18 – 03/21 1700 LV 43% 49% McCain +6%
Gallup Tracking 03/17 – 03/21 4377 RV 45% 47% McCain +2%
FOX News 03/18 – 03/19 900 RV 46% 43% Clinton +3%
CBS News 03/15 – 03/18 RV 46% 44% Clinton +2%
CNN 03/14 – 03/16 950 RV 49% 47% Clinton +2%
USA Today/Gallup 03/14 – 03/15 685 LV 51% 46% Clinton +5%
Reuters/Zogby 03/13 – 03/14 1004 LV 40% 48% McCain +8%
John McCain (R) vs. Barack Obama (D)
Poll Date Sample Obama (D) McCain (R) Spread
RCP Average 03/13 to 03/21 44.6% 45.9% McCain +1.3%
Rasmussen Tracking 03/18 – 03/21 1700 LV 41% 49% McCain +8%
Gallup Tracking 03/17 – 03/21 4377 RV 44% 46% McCain +2%
FOX News 03/18 – 03/19 900 RV 43% 44% McCain +1%
CBS News 03/15 – 03/18 RV 48% 43% Obama +5%
CNN 03/14 – 03/16 950 RV 47% 46% Obama +1%
USA Today/Gallup 03/14 – 03/15 685 LV 49% 47% Obama +2%
Reuters/Zogby 03/13 – 03/14 1004 LV 40% 46% McCain +6%

Democrats are so naive

March 18, 2008 at 3:59 am | Posted in politics | Leave a comment
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After a brief break race and gender have once again become issues in the Democratic Presidential primary race.

This is no surprise to me but all over the place people are acting shocked. Democrats are so naïve. With Americans approval rating of Bush in the basement and many Republicans reluctant to vote for John McCain the White House was basically on a platter for the party. But as Randi Rhodes says only Democrats can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Democrats were so caught up in the idea of making history that they failed to look at what I consider the most important factor…electability. Poll after poll showed the most electable Democratic candidate was  John Edwards yet he was never able to finish higher than third after Iowa.

So many people I know said a variation of the following statement, “It would be so cool to have a woman president.” Or , “It would be so cool to have a black president.”

Call me square but all I thought was “Wouldn’t’ it be cool to have a democratic president. So we could actually get things done.”

I find it mildly amusing that while people said it would be cool to have an African-American President or a woman president there was never much of a push to elect this countries first Latino president. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson was all but ignored.

Another thing I find amusing is that both Obama and Clinton have resorted to a scorched earth approach when it comes to pointing out the international diplomacy history of the other one. Once again one need only look at Bill Richardson to see real international experience.

But that doesn’t matter. Democrats wanted to make history. I just hope that the history that is ultimately made isn’t that John McCain becomes the oldest elected President in American History.

None of this means anything if the old white guy beat the woman or the black guy.

Data says Clinton

March 17, 2008 at 3:05 am | Posted in politics | Leave a comment
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Scorched earth be damned Hillary Clinton looks to be more electable to three out of the four latest polls.

John McCain (R) vs. Hillary Clinton (D)
Poll Date Sample Clinton (D) McCain (R) Spread
RCP Average 03/05 to 03/15 46.0% 45.8% Clinton +0.2%
Rasmussen Tracking 03/12 – 03/15 1700 LV 43% 46% McCain +3%
Gallup Tracking 03/11 – 03/15 4393 RV 46% 46% Tie
NBC/WSJ 03/07 – 03/10 1,012 RV 47% 45% Clinton +2%
Newsweek 03/05 – 03/06 1,215 RV 48% 46% Clinton +2%
John McCain (R) vs. Barack Obama (D)
Poll Date Sample McCain (R) Obama (D) Spread
RCP Average 03/05 to 03/15 45.8% 45.0% McCain +0.8%
Rasmussen Tracking 03/12 – 03/15 1700 LV 47% 43% McCain +4%
Gallup Tracking 03/11 – 03/15 4393 RV 47% 44% McCain +3%
NBC/WSJ 03/07 – 03/10 1,012 RV 44% 47% Obama +3%
Newsweek 03/05 – 03/06 1,215 RV 45% 46% Obama +1%

Data Says Obama part 8

March 10, 2008 at 3:23 am | Posted in politics | Leave a comment
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It’s hard to post this one because Obama has one survey that Hillary doesn’t. What that improved his average so take the Cook poll with a grain of salt.

Moving on. Clinton is starting to narrow the gap a bit. She does better than Obama in the Newsweek poll (by 1%). But she get blown out of the water in ABC news poll (by 8%). Head to head again McCain Obama still looks better than Clinton but is starting to show that she too could win (but Obama would likely win by more)

John McCain (R) vs. Hillary Clinton (D)
Poll Date Sample McCain (R) Clinton (D) Spread
RCP Average 02/28 to 03/06 46.3% 48.0% Clinton +1.7%
Newsweek 03/05 – 03/06 1,215 RV 46% 48% Clinton +2%
ABC/Wash Post 02/28 – 03/02 LV 47% 50% Clinton +3%
Rasmussen (Sat) 4 Day Tracking 1700 LV 46% 46% Tie


John McCain (R) vs. Barack Obama (D)
Poll Date Sample McCain (R) Obama (D) Spread
RCP Average 02/28 to 03/06 42.5% 48.0% Obama +5.5%
Newsweek 03/05 – 03/06 1,215 RV 45% 46% Obama +1%
Cook/RT Strategies 02/28 – 03/02 802 RV 38% 47% Obama +9%
ABC/Wash Post 02/28 – 03/02 LV 42% 53% Obama +11%
Rasmussen (Sat) 4 Day Tracking 1700 LV 45% 46% Obama +1%
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